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Royal Appointments

The King's Household

Chapels Royal

Dean of the Chapels Royal The Bishop of London
Sub-Dean of the Chapels Royal Revd Paul Wright
Priests in Ordinary Revd Richard Bolton, Preb Jonathan Osborne, Revd William Whitcombe
Deputy Priests in Ordinary Canon Dr Simon Bloxam-RoseRevd Steven Brookes, Revd Cortland Fransella, Revd Prof Peter Galloway, Canon Roger HallCanon Thomas WoodhouseRevd Dr Stephen Young
Domestic Chaplain, Buckingham Palace Revd Paul Wright
Domestic Chaplain, Windsor The Dean of Windsor
Domestic Chaplain, Sandringham Canon Dr Paul Williams
Chaplain, Royal Chapel, Windsor Great Park Ven Martin Poll
Chaplain, Hampton Court Palace  Canon Dr Simon Bloxam-Rose
Chaplain, HM Tower of London Canon Roger Hall


 The College of Chaplains

Clerk of the Closet Rt Revd Richard Jackson (Bishop of Hereford)
Deputy Clerk of the Closet Revd Paul Wright

Chaplains to The King

Ven Elizabeth Adekunle Canon David Glover Revd David Nicholson
Revd Hugh Bearn Canon Susanna Gunner Canon Mark Pryce
Canon Nicholas Buck Preb Nigel Guthrie Canon Geoffrey Ravalde
Revd Georgina Byrne Canon James Hawkey Canon Bruce Ruddock
Revd Rupert Charkham Preb Patricia Hawkins Revd Andrew Studdert-Kennedy
Ven Chigor Chike Revd Adrian Hughes Canon Robert White
Canon Ian Davenport Canon Lynda Klimas Ven Fiona Windsor
Canon Susan Field Ven Luke Miller  


Royal Almonry

High Almoner Rt Revd Graham Usher (Bishop of Norwich)
Sub-Almoner Revd Paul Wright

Other Royal Appointments

The King's Chapel of the Savoy


Savoy Hill, Strand, London WC2R 0DA

Tel: 020 7379 8088 (Chaplain) or 020 7836 7221 (Steward)

email: chapel@duchyoflancaster

web: www.royalchapelsavoy.org

Chapel of the Royal Victorian Order

The King’s Chapel of the Savoy was built as the principal chapel of a hospital for ‘pouer, nedie people’ founded by King Henry VII and finished in 1512 after his death. It is a private Chapel of His Majesty the King in right of his Duchy of Lancaster, and His Majesty appoints the chaplain. It is, therefore, a ‘free’ Chapel not falling within any diocese or episcopal jurisdiction.

On the occasion of his Coronation in 1937, King George VI commanded that the chapel of the Savoy should become the chapel of the Royal Victorian Order, an honour in the personal gift of the Sovereign, and the Chaplain of the Queen’s Chapel is ex officio Chaplain of the Order. An ante-chapel (now renamed the Lancaster Hall), chaplain’s office and robing room were constructed in 1958 to provide additional accommodation.

A new three-manual Walker organ was presented to the Chapel by Her Majesty the Queen in 1965. Further work in 2011–12 included the installation of a new stained glass window to mark the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen’s reign, an extension of the royal robing room, the creation of a new sunken courtyard on the north side of the Lancaster Hall, the construction of a new chaplain’s study and an office for the Steward, and the development of new facilities for receptions.

Members of the public are welcome to attend services which are held on Sundays (11 am) and weekdays (except August and September) with the exception of those for special or official occasions. The Chapel has a particularly fine musical tradition with a choir of men and boys. The Chapel is normally open to the public between 1 October and 31 July from 9am to 4pm Monday to Thursday.

Chaplain Revd Thomas Woodhouse
Steward Sqn Ldr Thomas Leyland BSc RAF (rtd)
Master of Music Mr Philip Berg MVO FRCO ARCM
Chairman of the Council The Lord Shuttleworth KCVO


Royal Memorial Chapel Sandhurst


Camberley, Surrey GU15 4PQ

Tel: 01276 686540

email: rmcrmas@gmail.com

The Royal Memorial Chapel Sandhurst is the Chapel of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. It is also the Memorial Chapel of the officers of the British Army.

The present building was erected after the First World War as a memorial to those trained at Sandhurst who gave their lives in that conflict. Their names are inscribed on the Chapel’s pillars. A memorial book contains the names of all officers of the Commonwealth Armies who died in the Second World War, and a page of this book is turned at the beginning of principal services.

A Book of Remembrance containing the names of all officers who have been killed in service since 1947 is kept in the South Africa Chapel.

The main Sunday service is at 1030. The forms of service include the Book of Common Prayer, Common Worship, and special services within the Academy’s calendar. Services are open to the public, and passes may be obtained by contacting the Chapel Office.

Chaplain Revd Nigel Kinsella CF
Choirmaster and Organist Mr Peter Beaven
Constitution of the Chapel Council Maj-Gen P. C. Marriot (Chairman), Canon J. R. B. Gough (Deputy Chairman), Maj J. M. Watkinson (Secretary), Ven Peter Eagles (Chaplain General), Maj-Gen Sir Simon Cooper, Maj Gen R. L. Kirkland, Brig M. Owen


The Royal Foundation of St Katharine

2 Butcher Row, London E14 8DS

Tel: 0300 111 1147

Fax: 0300 777 1147

email: info@rfsk.org.uk

Web: www.rfsk.org.uk

St Katharine’s, founded by Queen Matilda in 1147 originally adjacent to the Tower of London, is a charitable conference and retreat centre at Limehouse in East London, between the City and Canary Wharf. It serves the Church of England, other churches and charities, offering an attractive setting for day or residential group meetings, seminars or retreats. It is also an excellent place to stay for business or pleasure in London. There are excellent facilities with residential en suite accommodation for 44 people and a choice of 7 meeting rooms. Daily worship is held in the peaceful chapel.


Master Revd Roger Preece
Members of the Court

Revd John Tattersall (Chairman), Mr David Swanney (Treasurer), Revd Roger Preece (Master), Mr Ian Graham, Mr Andrew Grigson, Mr Simon Martin, Sir Stephen Lamport, Mrs Elizabeth Marshall

Deans of Peculiars

The few present-day Deans of Peculiars are the residue of some 300 such office-holders in the medieval period, when the granting of ‘peculiar’ status, fully or partially exempting a jurisdiction from episcopal control, was commonly employed by popes and others to advance the interests of a particular institution, or limit the power of the bishops. Unlike the Royal Peculiars, the deaneries had little in common, and the privileges and duties of the individual posts ranged from nominal to significant. Most of the special provisions were brought to an end in the nineteenth century. But each Peculiar has interesting light to throw on a phase of Anglican or national history.


Very Revd Lee Duckett


(Essex) Vacancy

(Suffolk) Very Revd Jonathan Delfgou





Preachers, Inns of Court


Master  Revd Robin Griffith-Jones


Reader Revd Mark Hatcher


Lincoln's Inn

Revd Sheila Watson

Gray's Inn

Revd Stephen Baxter