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Rochester Crest

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Bishop's Staff
Suffragan Bishop of Tonbridge

General Synod Membership

House of Laity
Mrs Billy-Jo O'Leary
Ms Jane Rosam
Mr Andrew Smith

Diocesan Structures

Diocesan Office
St Nicholas Church
Boley Hill
Telephone: 01634 560000
E-mail: enquiries@rochester.anglican.org
Web address: www.rochester.anglican.org
Diocesan Officers
Diocesan Secretary
Mr Matthew Girt
Chancellor of Diocese
Mr David Willink
Registrar of Diocese and Bishop’s Legal Secretary
Mrs Patti Russell

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Church Buildings

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Mission and Ministry Development

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Mission and Community Engagement

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Diocesan Record Offices

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Kent west of the Medway; except for one parish in the south-west in the diocese of Chichester; the Medway Towns; the London boroughs of Bromley and Bexley, except for a few parishes in the diocese of Southwark; one parish in East Sussex
Overseas link Dioceses
Estonia, Harare, Kondoa, Mpwapwa
Area square miles
Full time Stipendiary Parochial Clergy
Number of Benefices
Number of Parishes
Number of Churches
Source: The Church of England Year Book