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Liverpool Crest

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Bishop's Staff
Bishop’s Executive Assistant
Nichola James
Suffragan Bishops
Bishop’s Personal Assistant
Warren Hartley

General Synod Membership

House of Laity
Mr Gabriel Chiu
Mrs Nadine Daniel
Mr Richard Denno
Mr Nigel Lea-Wilson

Diocesan Structures

Diocesan Office
St James’ House
20 St James Road
L1 7BY
Telephone: 0151 709 9722
Fax: 0151 709 2885
Web address: www.liverpool.anglican.org
Diocesan Officers
Diocesan Secretary
Mr Mike Eastwood
Chancellor of Diocese
Sir Mark Hedley
Registrar of Diocese and Bishop’s Legal Secretary
Mr Howard Dellar
Assistant Diocesan Secretary
Stuart Haynes
Diocesan Secretary Assistant
Brenda Edwards

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Church Buildings

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Diocesan Liturgy and Worship Forum

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Learning and Stewardship

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Church Growth Team

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Diocesan Record Office

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Justice, Inclusion and External Relations

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Churches Together in the Merseyside Region

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Mission in the Economy (Mite)

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Liverpool; Sefton; Knowsley; St Helens; Wigan, except for areas in the north, in the diocese of Blackburn, and in the east, in the diocese of Manchester; Halton, north of the river Mersey; Warrington, north of the river Mersey; most of West Lancashire
Overseas link Dioceses
Virginia (USA)
Area square miles
Full time Stipendiary Parochial Clergy
Number of Benefices
Number of Parishes
Number of Churches
Source: The Church of England Year Book