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Description of arms. Argent, ten torteaux, four, three, two, and one.

 680 Bosel

 691 Oftfor

 693 Ecgwine

 718 Wilfrid I

 745 Milred

 775 Waermund

 777 Tilhere

 781 Heathured

 798 Deneberht

 822 Heahberht

 845 Alhhun

 873 Waerferth

 915 Æthelhun

 922 Wilferth II

 929 Cenwald

 957 Dunstan

 961 Oswald

 992 Ealdwulf

1002 Wulfstan I

1016 Leofsige

1027 Lyfing

1033 Brihtheah

1040 Æltric Puttoc, Bishop of York and Worcester

1041 Lyfing (restored)

1046 Ealdred Bishop of Hereford and Worcester 1056–60

1062 Wulfstan II

1096 Samson

1115 Theulf

1125 Simon

1151 John of Pagham

1158 Aldred

1164 Roger of Gloucester

1180 Baldwin

1186 William of Northolt

1191 Robert Fitz Ralph

1193 Henry de Sully

1196 John of Coutances

1200 Mauger

1214 Walter de Gray

1216 Silvester of Evesham

1218 William of Blois

1237 Walter Cantilupe

1266 Nicolas of Ely

1268 Godfrey Giffard

1302 William Gainsborough

1308 Walter Reynolds

1313 Walter Maidstone

1317 Thomas Cobham

1327 Adam Orleton

1334 Simon Montacute

1337 Thomas Hempnall

1339 Wulstan Bransford

1350 John Thoresby

1353 Reginald Brian

1362 John Barnet

1364 William of Whittlesey

1369 William Lenn

1375 Henry Wakefield

1396 Robert Tideman of Winchcomb

1401 Richard Clifford

1407 Thomas Peverel

1419 Philip Morgan

1426 Thomas Polton

1435 Thomas Bourgchier

1444 John Carpenter

1476 John Alcock

1487 Robert Morton

1497 Giovanni de’ Gigli

1499 Silvestro de’ Gigli

1521 Julius de Medici Guilio de Medici (administrator)

1523 Geronimo Ghinucci

1535 Hugh Latimer

1539 John Bell

1544 Nicholas Heath (deposed)

1552 John Hooper

1554 Nicholas Heath (restored)

1555 Richard Pates

1559 Edwin Sandys

1571 Nicholas Bullingham

1577 John Whitgift

1584 Edmund Freke

1593 Richard Fletcher

1596 Thomas Bilson

1597 Gervase Babington

1610 Henry Parry

1617 John Thornborough

1641 John Prideaux

1660 George Morley

1662 John Gauden

1662 John Earle

1663 Robert Skinner

1671 Walter Blandford

1675 James Fleetwood

1683 William Thomas

1689 Edward Stillingfleet

1699 William Lloyd

1717 John Hough

1743 Isaac Maddox

1759 James Johnson

1774 Brownlow North

1781 Richard Hurd

1808 Ffolliott Herbert Walker Cornewall

1831 Robert James Carr

1841 Henry Pepys

1861 Henry Philpott

1891 John James Stewart Perowne

1902 Charles Gore

1905 Huyshe Wolcott Yeatman-Biggs

1919 Ernest Harold Pearce

1931 Arthur William Thomson Perowne

1941 William Wilson Cash

1956 Lewis Mervyn Charles-Edwards

1971 Robert Wylmer Woods

1982 Philip Harold Ernest Goodrich

1997 Peter Stephen Maurice Selby

2007 John Geoffrey Inge




1974 Michael Ashley Mann

1977 Anthony Charles Dumper

1993 Rupert William Noel Hoare

2000 David Stuart Walker

2014 Graham Barham Usher

2020 Martin Charles William Gorick